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Shauna Schneeman

Emery's Birth Story

This has been a bucket list item for me since I moved back to New Jersey and started Milestone in 2015. I have gawked at birth photographers work for years now. So when my life long friend, Amanda, asked me to be in the delivery room for the birth of her baby girl last September I was absolutely honored, and thankfully she let me bring my camera along too. I wanted a little taste of birth photography. It seemed like such a challenge and I was so excited to not only have the opportunity to try it out for myself, but also what a gift I can offer my friend is to have such a beautiful "milestone" documented for them.

There is a tad bit more significance to me being asked to be in the room.. I actually willed this baby into existence in a way. Amanda's boyfriend, Bear, is my neighbor and a long time family friend. So, a few years ago when I was hosting a party with games that required partners and I suggested that they team up since they both didn't have a team mate. Well they did team up! In fact they teamed up and won the olympics that day and they have been together ever since. Which means.. my best friend since middle school now lives next door with another long time friend. It honestly still feels surreal.

Now here we were all together in the hospital room welcoming their little girl and I just can't help but think that yes the photos are beautiful, but the story is even more beautiful.

And now this little girl is getting big and is seriously one of the cutest babies ever and as for me.. I booked another Birth to Photograph this summer for a long time client and I cannot wait!

I usually end with "Thanks for trusting me", but I didn't give this couple much choice lol So thank you Bear and Amanda for being my friends and letting me in on such a big moment. I love you all and its such an honor to raise our families and live our lives together.

Birth Photography at Shore Memorial Hospital in Somers Point NJ


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